Praise for Upcoming Book, "I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel"

"You did a tremendous job! I had tears in my eyes, reading the epilogue. The sign of a good book to me is that I don’t want it to end. That was the case with I am Cyrus." - John Waage, CBN News.
Watch for "I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel" - April 22nd from Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas.
#HarryTruman #HarrySTruman #IAmCyrusHarryTrumanandtheRebirthofIsrael #IAmCyrus #Israel #RebirthofIsral #Zionism #HolyLand #Palestine #BritishMandateforPalestine #Arab #Jew #Jewish #BalfourDeclaration #ArthurJamesBalfour #ChaimWeizmann #JohnWaage #CBNNews #Jerusalem #DrCraigvonBuseck #Prophecy #ProphecyFulfilled