Book release day! Now available - 'Telling the Truth: How to Write Narrative Nonfiction and Memoir.'
Order your copy of Craig's new book, Telling the Truth: How to Write Narrative Nonfiction and Memoir TELL ME A STORY! It's the universal...
The Gift of 'Newness' in the New Year
Someone once said there are regulators on our lives that help control and shape our destinies. These regulators include things we often...
It Really IS a Wonderful Life!
Like many of you, one of my favorite Christmas movies is “It’s a Wonderful Life.” We all know the classic tale of a talented young man...
Free Download: Craig's book 'I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel'
Free download through December 9, craig's book, I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel'. Download now. 2020 Selah Award...
What People Are Saying about 'I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel'
What people are saying: "I recently read 'I Am Cyrus.' Wow, what a good biography of Truman and Israel. ... I really loved how you...
Dallas Jenkins of The Chosen on 'Walking in Faith: The Peter, Paul, and Mary Principle'
"This book is so important, and Dr. Craig is the brilliant thinker and servant required to deliver it." — Dallas Jenkins, Creator, The...
New Book Release! 'Walking in Faith: The Peter, Paul, and Mary Principle' Now Available
Download your copy today! Peter, Paul, and Mary: three ordinary people, but after an encounter with God, each chose to respond in faith...
You Can Shine the Light! Help Craig Take the Good News to Kenya!
Can you help? Heading to Kenya with Empowered Living Ministries in a couple weeks to provide free Bible college level training to pastors...
Birth Pains of Modern Israel - Excerpt from 'I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel'
Read the excerpt: 'Birth pains of Modern Israel' Order your copy of I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel More books by...
Cover Reveal! 'Telling the Truth: How to Write Narrative Nonfiction and Memoir' by Craig von Buseck
Coming this Fall! Watch for the release of Craig's newest book. Order your copy when it is released from Bold Vision Books More books by...