Eddie Jones Asks, 'Have You Heard of Ulysses S. Grant?'
Perhaps you have heard of Ulysses S. Grant. He is on the fifty-dollar bill. He was the 18th President of the United States. And in the final year of the Civil War he gave Robert E. Lee fits with a strategy of engagement and slide, engagement and slide that led to the fall of Richmond and the Confederacy. For many, this is all we know of U.S. Grant. And yet his deep conviction to his personal character, to doing the right thing when no one is watching, and the rare gift of humility makes his last accomplishments the mark of true greatness. In an age where the prominent peak early and spend the rest of their lives chasing former glory, Grant peaked and fell greatly, only to live the remainder of his years as a common man of noble character. In my Civil War library I place 'Victor!: The Final Battle of Ulysses S. Grant' alongside 'Lee' by Douglas Southall Freeman as the bookends of this pivotal time in America's history. – Eddie Jones, award-winning author and writers coach
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